Taiwan’s Severe Energy Security Challenges Taiwan’s Severe Energy Security Challenges
Heavy dependence on imported energy(小標第一段) As is illustrated [這種佳句要抄就要抄好,很多學生通常都掉is或掉ed,一看就知是亂背一通] in Figure 1, below, Taiwan has almost zero energy endowment [台灣幾乎沒有辦法提供自己的能源], and relies on imports for nearly 98 percent of its consumption. It produces a very small amount of power from renewable sources such as solar, biomass and hydropower. Among the imports, 8.32 percent is nuclear fuel and more than 90 percent is fossil fuels (i.e. oil, gas and coal); most oil and gas comes from the Middle East. 光這一段,可以借來抄在佳句本裏的句子就好幾句了。這種文章看得輕鬆,很容易就可以理解作者想要表達的意思。若發現文章開始變得很technical或非常細部,可以先忽略(例:The accumulated liability in the end of 2012 for CPC was NT$614 billion (around US$20 billion),[1] and for Tai-power was NT$1,341 billion (around US$45 billion). 因為畢竟我們需要的是佳句,不是那些資訊。等同學到了國外在寫論文時,真的會需要這些細節描述法時再來看一次這種文章。 佳句要登記在本子上,但也要常常拿出來看的。 |