不管是不是要考雅思,想要把英文作文/學術寫作搞定,須要大量閱讀之外,還必須從文章中選擇適合自己程度的句型,登記在佳句本上。 而這些佳句必須被經常拿出來複習,並且要嘗試用在適合的作文段落裹(不能為了用某個句型而硬要用,這樣經常會因為不自然反而被扣分)。 希望讓自己英文可以保持進步的同學,一週真的至少要精讀一篇像這樣的文章+搜集句型才行。這些文章裹出現的句型,很多都是我在上課時教的,上過課的同學來讀這些文章應該會感覺到相當熟悉,是很好的複習。 今天推薦的文章是這篇-New Year's Resolution Success Tips。文章不新,但我想每年世界各國的人會設立的「新年新希望」應該都還是差不多的(quit smoking, lose weight, learn a new language, etc)。文章中有非常多適合雅思小作文寫作句型,例如: *Giving up smoking seemed to be the hardest goal to stick to, with three-quarters of people lighting up again in the New Year. *Only 28% of people succeeded in losing weight and 29% of people who vowed to improve their fitness managed to do so. *Men were 22% more likely to succeed when they set goals for themselves, such as losing a pound a week rather than just saying they wanted to lose weight. *Telling others increased women's chance of keeping resolutions by 10%. 同學可以設定從每一篇好文裹至少要取出五~十個句子(切記這些動作是在精不在多,雅思大作文也只不過需要寫二十句話。抄了一大堆但都不是很會用,那這一切都是白費力氣),抄下來後一定要模仿造句,但模仿的程度請不要太過劇烈,有些同學會一口氣把佳句裹的主詞、動詞、補語或受格全部換光光,整個句子已經完全不像佳句了。。。 那就不是佳句的用意了啊。所以請同學務必一步一腳印,踏實一點,老實一點的練習。 下面示範如何把上面的佳句用在正確的地方。舉例如下(我是以劍一裏面這個圖來舉例): *Personal interest seemed to be the most common reason for adults to study, with 40% of the respondents rating this reason as their motivation. *Only 9% of the people pursue further education in order to meet people and 12% of them take up classes to be able to change jobs. 長期累積下來,對英文的學術句型越來越熟悉以後,當然就可以寫出自然不造作的英文寫作。千萬不要硬抄連自己都不是很懂所謂來自名師的句子(例如:A glance of the table...或Given is a chart showing...),那樣的學習態度大有問題,硬要背出來但是又寫錯只會貽笑大方的。 最後是針對新年新希望不要破功的小幫手 How to stick to new year's resolutions in 2015,記得要看完後立馬坐下來列清單(其實又何必等到新年呢?天天都可以有新希望呀~)我認為最好的事,就是規定自己週一到週五每天都要背一個佳句,連續一個月,你看看自己能不能辦到囉!一起努力吧! |