不管是不是要考雅思,想要把英文作文/學術寫作搞定,須要大量閱讀之外,還必須從文章中選擇適合自己程度的句型,登記在佳句本上。 而這些佳句必須被經常拿出來複習,並且要嘗試用在適合的作文段落裏(不能為了用某個句型而硬要用,這樣經常會因為不自然反而被扣分)。
希望讓自己英文可以保持進步的同學,一週真的至少要精讀一篇像這樣的文章+搜集句型才行。這些文章裏出現的句型,很多都是我在上課時教的,上過課的同學來讀這些文章應該會感覺到相當熟悉,是很好的複習。 今天推薦的文章是這篇-Cancer risk higher among people who eat more processed meat, study finds(「食用加工肉品多的人罹癌機會較高」)。文章中幾乎每一句都是適用於雅思大小作文通吃的作文佳句,例如就拿文章裏的前二段來舉例: *People (關代子句開始 who 不要掉關代 eat a lot of processed meat such as ham, bacon, sausages and burgers) run (不要掉這句話真正的動詞) a greater risk of premature death and developing conditions such as cancer and heart disease. (such as一定要立刻跟在你想延伸的名詞後面). 提醒:文章中那些according to the estimates by the authors或是research shows的串場字可以不必寫。在雅思考試中,考生不可能上網參考任何研究資料,去寫according to research其實蠻沒必要的。 *The study, which included data from 448,568 people in 10 European countries, including the UK, found that the biggest consumers of processed meat were 44% more likely to die prematurely from any cause than those who ate little of it. -> 中級程度者在雅思考試中不要去學這種複雜句型的寫法(通常程度不夠文法都一定會錯,而且錯得很離譜的情況很常見),同學們可以從這句話裏挑出這個部份來當佳句練習: *The biggest consumers of processed meat were 44% more likely to die prematurely from any cause than those (這個字是替代前面出現過的複數主詞consumers) who ate little of it. *High levels of consumption increased the risk of death from heart diseaseby 72% and cancer by 11%. 同學可以設定從每一篇好文裏至少要取出五~十個句子(切記這些動作是在精不在多,雅思大作文也只不過需要寫二十句話。抄了一大堆但都不是很會用,那這一切都是白費力氣),抄下來後一定要模仿造句,但模仿的程度請不要太過劇烈,有些同學會一口氣把佳句裏的主詞、動詞、補語或受格全部換光光,整個句子已經完全不像佳句了。。。那就不是佳句的用意了啊。所以請同學務必一步一腳印,踏實一點,老實一點的練習。正確的造句舉例如下: *People who do little physical exercise run a greater risk of developing conditions such as cancer and heart disease. *Big consumers of fast food are more likely to suffer from obesity and cancer. 甚至可以結合以上兩者來造句: *Children who watch too much television are more likely to become depressed and anxious. 長期累積下來,對英文的學術句型越來越熟悉以後,當然就可以寫出自然不造作的英文寫作。千萬不要硬抄連自己都不是很懂所謂來自名師的句子(例如:A glance of the table... 或Given is a chart showing...),那樣的學習態度大有問題,硬要背出來但是又寫錯只會貽笑大方的。 |