不管是不是要考雅思,想要把英文作文/學術寫作搞定,須要大量閱讀之外,還必須從文章中選擇適合自己程度的句型,登記在佳句本上。而這些佳句必須被經常拿出來複習,並且要嘗試用在適合的作文段落裏(不能為了用某個句型而硬要用,這樣經常會因為不自然反而被扣分)。 希望讓自己英文可以保持進步的同學,一週真的至少要精讀一篇像這樣的文章+搜集句型才行。這些文章裏出現的句型,很多都是我在上課時教的,上過課的同學來讀這些文章應該會感覺到相當熟悉,是很好的複習。 今天推薦的文章是這篇-Kaohsiung traffic lights only 'decorative': netizen(「高雄交通號誌只是裝飾用,網民說」)。 這文章是搞笑體,跟「高雄式左轉」一樣,是一種幽默,希望高雄人不要生氣XD。這篇文章裏適合用在圖表寫作裏的句型相當多。例如: *… when a traffic light changes from green to red, only about 30 percent of motorcyclists stop. *As many as 35 percent of motorcyclists ignore the red light and ride straight through it. *Among those who ignored the traffic lights were office employees in a rush to get to work or to go home, young people eager to meet their friends, hooligans riding motorcycles without mufflers, elderly men traveling slower than 35kph, and middle-aged men riding their scooters while smoking and chewing betel nut. *… about 5 percent of motorcyclists ran red lights by pretending to turn right before switching back to their original lane. 提醒:文章中的the netizen said的串場字可以不必理會。還有時態的部份,文章裏給的數據有些是過去式,同學在造句的時候要根據每個圖或每個場景適當的改成現在式或過去式。時態亂寫也是很多同學被扣分的原因。 同學可以設定從每一篇好文裏至少要取出五~十個句子(切記這些動作是在精不在多,雅思大作文也只不過需要寫二十句話。抄了一大堆但都不是很會用,那這一切都是白費力氣),抄下來後一定要模仿造句,但模仿的程度請不要太過劇烈,有些同學會一口氣把佳句裏的主詞、動詞、補語或受格全部換光光,整個句子已經完全不像佳句了。。。 那就不是佳句的用意了啊。所以請同學務必一步一腳印,踏實一點,老實一點的練習。正確的造句舉例如下(我都改成現在式了): *As many as 40 percent of the respondents pursue higher education because of their personal interest. *As few as 9 percent of the respondents take classes to make friends with other people. *As much as 90 percent of the food in Taiwan contains gutter oil (地溝油).-> 這句只是想反映台灣的現實XD *Among those who suffer from lung cancer are people who smoke, people who inhale second-hand smoke, and housewives cooking in the kitchen all year round (終年). * About 20 percent of people lose weight by exercising regularly. 長期累積下來,對英文的學術句型越來越熟悉以後,當然就可以寫出自然不造作的英文寫作。千萬不要硬抄連自己都不是很懂所謂來自名師的句子(例如:A glance of the table... 或Given is a chart showing...),那樣的學習態度大有問題,硬要背出來但是又寫錯只會貽笑大方的。 |