英文作文怎麼寫、架構怎麼排、梗怎麼想、怎麼延伸... 一直都是很多人痛苦的深淵。#英文作文的開門見山,對照於 #中文作文的隱晦迂迴,的確會讓剛接觸英文寫作的人摸不著頭緒。 我其實認為英文寫作的原理是非常簡單的,尤其是學測跟雅思這種考試型的英文作文,只要花點時間學一下架構,腦袋清晰,接下來的時間就可以全部都花在連貫性、詞彙及文法上。 拿這個考題來說: In many countries, a small number of people are able to purchase very expensive luxurious products. Some people believe that this is good for the economy, but others think that governments should not allow products above a certain price level. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. (在很多國家裡,少部份人能夠購買昂貴的奢侈品。有人相信這對經濟是好的,但也有人認為政府不應該允許超過一定價格的商品販售。討論兩邊論點並提出你的意見。) 既然都已經直接把兩邊說法都明白告訴你了,整體作文架構便順理成章的被安排好了(見留言區示意圖)。本文中,一段講正、一段講反。正與反的順序無所謂,只要聽起來順都可以。我個人偏好先講反對方,然後我再擊破反對方的論點+提出自己的論點。你看夜市那些賣鍋子的攤商,都是先用破爛的鍋子煎個破掉的荷包蛋給觀眾看,然後才讓自己那個九層鐵弗龍的不沾鍋華麗登場。當然若他的話術厲害,無論他怎麼講都會有人買單。 *不過,在真正的(不限寫作時間與字數的)學術寫作裡,rebuttal section 的安排則有一定順序,內容也需嚴謹。例如你必須先公平的描述反對方的論點,然後在下一段針對你發現的問題點或反對點提出質疑(例如對方資訊過時、數據不足或是言論根本充滿謬誤),然後在下一段再提出你駁斥對方所需的相對證據(例如提出新研究/資訊或解釋對方的謬誤點)。瘋狗亂咬人的駁斥是無效的。 所以,你認為反對奢侈品跟支持奢侈品的兩方,各有哪些梗呢? 如果你想不出來,又該怎麼辦呢? 在我們的雅思讀寫課裡,針對同學想破頭都想不出梗的處境,提供了一個完美的解決方法,每一期課程的中後段,都會有一個「#梅姨梗課」(口說課也有梗課)。在該堂課中,我會教大家如何想梗、找梗,並且用常見的 chain、block 跟 PEEL 寫法,當場組織並且寫好一篇又一篇的作文給同學看。 那在這裡,我就幫大家找一些反對跟支持奢侈品的兩方論點: 反對方: *A 2009 study out of Harvard Business School shows that when primed by exposure to luxury goods, “people are more likely to endorse self-interested business decisions, even at the expense of others.” *Many consumers who buy luxury goods are not in a financial position to be able to afford luxury goods. As a result, they end up in debt. *Only a very small group in the society uses luxuries and the majority of people restrict their consumption to bare necessaries of life. As a result, the feelings of dissatisfaction and jealousy arise in the mind of the poor which lead to social unrest. 支持方: *Certain luxuries are a major source of income to the government. The government collects money by imposing taxes on luxuries like bags, liquor, cigarettes, cars, etc. *The consumption of more and more items of luxuries is a symbol of high standard of living. *Unlike fast fashion - cheap and low quality pieces that cram our wardrobes, waste our money and sadly end up in landfill - luxury items can often last longer and reduce waste. 所以,你覺得奢侈品對經濟有好處,還是應該被政府禁止呢?(說真的,你對人性還不夠了解嗎?的話,這些產品的販售就會地下化,變得跟毒品一樣啊) |