下方是一系列我花蠻多時間整理出來的英國腔電影名單。有些電影是英美演員都有,不一定是100%全英國腔,但這樣更好,同學可以比較一下英美腔調的差異。 我沒有時間經常更新,但下方的留言區經常有熱心的同學陸續推薦新片,有興趣的朋友請往下方留言處看。這裹也有一個IMDb推薦的Best British Films 1989-2011,同學們都可以多看。 我認為新不新片一點都不是重點,就算是10年前的電影,或者是美國腔的電影,都不會影響到我觀賞電影的樂趣或是學不到英文,建議同學有就得看就好,不要挑新不新。但若同學是為了準備雅思或留英/澳才開始接觸英國腔的電影,平時對英國腔或文化了解不多的話,我在本文最下方有回覆這個「到底真的一定要看英國腔的電影來準備雅思嗎」問題。
看電影是一種美好的消遣。我自己本身的英文就是從小看英文片/影集,而一看就看許多遍,結果不小心自然而然就學會好多道地的用法甚至是口音。所以我鼓勵想學英文的同學一定要多看英文片/影集。但如果真的希望從中學習英文,那就要下苦心了(所以又回到原點啦,沒有什麼輕輕鬆鬆的學習方法,一樣技能要進步,就是必須要投入一定的時間與努力)。同一部片,必須反覆看很多次。 我甚至隨時都有個筆記本,把我剛學會的片語/用法馬上寫下來,並且經常拿出來看,否則筆記做得再漂亮也不記得那些用法的。所以到底要怎麼開始呢?同學可以找一部自己喜歡的片子,通常我會買二手DVD(很愛的片當然就買下去新片了),或是去租片子,因為網路上的電影品質很多不佳,也沒辦法切換字幕,更是有版權的問題,我幾乎從未在網路上看過電影,所以請不要再叫我推薦網站了。 在我能力範圍可及,我都會盡量付費觀賞電影。我20-30歲時,每年都節省開銷以便在錄影帶店存好幾千塊,還存到送我烤箱了你看看投資了多少。偷雞不著蝕把米。沒有工具就沒辦法好辦事。更何況一部電影我可以搞蠻久的,也不需要那麼多片。 電影類型請盡量選擇現代片,最好是愛情浪漫喜劇,雖然這種電影是我個人最不喜歡的,但是因為對話很多,比起從頭到尾都在開槍或警匪追逐的動作片還是有更多可以學習的機會。請不要一開始練習就選魔戒或伊利莎白女王那種古代文言文片來學習英文(為了樂趣而看則永遠什麼電影都可以)。 1. 第一次看片先看中文字幕,了解電影的內容跟情結。若程度還不到,一開始就用難於自己英文程度許多的方式來做練習,最後只會搞到灰心跟氣餒。 2. 如果有空,隔天或過幾天後再看一次同一部片英文字幕的版本。在坐長程飛機時,我也經常同一部片看兩次,而這種連續看兩次的方式通常都效果極佳,我甚至馬上背出剛才聽過的對話,尤其是很有梗的橋段。第二次看不懂英文字幕的地方就忍耐一下,不要急著一直暫停去查字典(所以第一次必須看中文字幕去了解劇情,不然永遠都看不懂的)。你一定要了解一件事:對初級英文學習者來說,常會有這種有三分鐘都不知道老外到底在講什麼的情況,這時都要發揮大腦猜測的能力,總不可能叫外國朋友重播十遍剛才講過的話吧。如果真的看不懂太多,那表示你需要再重看一遍中文字幕的了(上次沒有認真看?)。 3. 接下來,再等個幾天或幾個禮拜,第三次或第四次看同一部片,這就可以把字幕全部拿掉了,直接用聽的。中間聽到自己很熟或者已經會講的句子,你還可以喃喃自語,重覆多次那句話。你會很驚訝你可以聽懂那麼多英文,那時你會非常開心的。而你不過才投資了不到100元跟不到10個小時的時間在學英文上而己。 如果觀賞的過程,還是很迷失,表示1) 你的聽力真的很弱 或2) 前幾次用中文跟英文看的時候,你沒有專心看。但不管怎樣,你要再重新回到原點,再看一遍中文字幕,再一遍英文字幕,再試一次沒有字幕的。這時真的就是考驗你的耐性的時候了。在健身房重訓時,最痛苦的片刻,就是肌肉最容易長出來的片刻,我想人生的每件事,如果要成功,都是要經過這樣的過程。如果你真的此時已失去興趣,那快點開始找別的學英文的方法吧(市面上多的是那種「躺著學英文」的書籍)。這個方法可能就是不適合你了。 大部份的洋人是很愛看電影的,電影也是個很「安全」不會冒犯人的話題。同學可以google自己喜愛的演員或導演又拍過其他什麼片子,或電影的一些小常識(例如我非常喜歡 Star Wars,而其中有一個沙漠中機器狗走路的場景是在突尼西亞拍的,而我跟過幾個朋友提過我想去突尼西亞,他們都會提到 Star Wars)。如果你是以出國留學為目的而學英文,那暫時先不要再看什麼韓劇吧,那些節目不只拉太長,會佔掉許多時間之外,也沒有寓教於樂的機會。 最後,看完了電影,想跟外國朋友討論這部片卻缺乏單字/句型或描述所需的組織能力的話,不妨可以查詢每部電影的plot summary, director及cast。看完後可以自己試著以簡化過後的英文一分鐘內描述一下大概的劇情,到時如果口試被考到電影,你就賺到了!但記住,千萬不要生硬的去背那些文字版的電影劇情,那些文字並不適合完全背起來用在口說中,同學一定要把那些描述變得casual一點、口語一點才行。IMDB、amazon.com或是wikipedia鍵入電影英文片名一定都可以找到很多資料。多做功課的人一定會得到意想不到的回報的。 先登場的是較舊的電影(舊片是很好的選擇與收藏) 非古典系列:美好的一年 (A Good Year, 2006) 《英式法式口音交錯,浪漫喜劇,語言內容豐富生動,本人推薦擁有本片,俊男美女,百看不厭》 A Good Year is a 2006 romantic comedy film set in Provence, in southeastern France. A British investment broker inherits his uncle’s chateau and vineyard in Provence, where he spent much of his childhood. He discovers a new laid-back lifestyle as he tries to renovate the estate to be sold. 戀愛沒有假期 (The Holiday, 2006) 《英國美國兩地拍攝,英式美式英文輪番上陣,是很好的英腔入門,溫馨小品,非常推薦擁有本片》 The Holiday is a 2006 romantic comedy film. The Holiday is the story of two women, Iris (Kate Winslet in a poignant performance) and Amanda (Cameron Diaz), who swap houses for two weeks thinking it will help them get over their relationship problems. Amanda will take Iris’s house in a small cottage just outside of London, and Iris will stay at Amanda’s house in L.A. They will both meet someone who will help them mend their heart. - By Alan Draven (Montreal, Canada) 007首部曲:皇家夜總會 (Casino Royale, 2006) 《娛樂片。但賭局情結複雜,我就完全不懂牌局。從本片學到的英文會很有限,只是為了猛男而看的》 Casino Royale is set at the beginning of Bond's career as Agent 007, just as he is earning his licence to kill. After preventing a terrorist attack, Bond falls for Vesper Lynd, the treasury employee assigned to provide the money he needs to bankrupt a terrorist financier, by beating him in a high-stakes poker game. 醜聞筆記 (Notes on Scandal, 2006) 《兩位英國影后精彩對戲,發音咬字清晰,劇情讓我很嚇到,但是是很好的英式發音學習教材 》 It is about a female teacher at a London comprehensive school who begins an affair with one of her underage pupils. The novel was shortlisted for the 2003 Man Booker Prize. A film version, was released in 2006 and stars Judi Dench and Cate Blanchett. 愛情決勝點 (Match Point, 2006) 《現代倫敦上層社會生活,語言內容豐富生動,可學到很多英文,但情結有點可怕...》 Chris Wilton is a former tennis pro, looking to find work as an instructor. He meets Tom Hewett, a well-off pretty boy. Tom's sister Chloe falls in love with Chris but Chris has his eyes on Tom's fiancée, the luscious Nola. Both Chris and Nola know it's wrong but what could be more right than love? Chris tries to juggle both women but at some point, he must choose between them... 黛妃與女皇 (The Queen, 2006) 《有政治氣息的類似記錄片敍事手法的電影,想了解皇室袐辛者請一定要看》 The Queen is an intimate behind the scenes glimpse at the interaction between HM Elizabeth II and Prime Minister Tony Blair during their struggle, following the death of Diana, to reach a compromise between what was a private tragedy for the Royal family and the public’s demand for an overt display of mourning. 疑雲殺機 (The Constant Gardener, 2005) 《藥廠在非洲從事的黑暗活動,適合喜歡探究人性黑暗面的同學》 A widower is determined to get to the bottom of a potentially explosive secret involving his wife's murder, big business, and corporate corruption. 阿飛外傳 (Alfie, 2004) 《帥男裘德洛還有頭髮時主演的現代片,喜歡他的人可同時看帥哥學英文》 In this remake of the 1966 classic, Jude Law stars as Alfie, the quintessential Don Juan who is rather caught up in himself. Using his charm and a great smile, Alfie searches for beautiful women who will give him what he wants. Once they become too attached, he breaks their heart. This ideal bachelor lifestyle ends up unraveling and Alfie must learn to admit defeat and change his ways. 愛是您.愛是我 (Love Actually, 2003) 《溫馨可愛的英國賀歲片,我個人看過不下十次這部電影,英國知名演員大集合》 Love Actually is just the right mix of romantic comedy and drama to leave you with that warm, fuzzy feeling as you leave the theatre. It’s an ideal Christmas movie for moms and dads who want to see something else while the kids venture into more PG films (保護級). 非關男孩 (About a Boy, 2002) 《修葛蘭主演的現代英國片,拍攝地點全倫敦,非常推薦》 The film stars Hugh Grant as Will, Nicholas Hoult as Marcus, Toni Collette as Fiona and Rachel Weisz as Rachel. Will Freeman is a hip Londoner who one day realizes that his friends are all involved with the responsibilities of married life and that leaves him alone in the cold. Passing himself as a single father, he starts to meet a string of single mums, confident in his ability to leave them behind when they start to ask for a commitment. But Will’s hope of a continued bachelorhood is interrupted when he meets 12-year old Marcus, in many ways his complete opposite. 舞動人生 (Billy Elliot, 2000) 《超可怕的英國東北口音,進階者使用,要留英的話,習慣英國人的各種恐佈口音是很重要的》 A talented young boy becomes torn between his unexpected love of dance and the disintegration of his family. 情人搭錯線 (An Ideal Husband, 1999) Sir Robert Chiltern is a successful Government minister, well-off and with a loving wife. All this is threatened when Mrs Cheveley appears in London with damning evidence of a past misdeed. Sir Robert turns for help to his friend Lord Goring, an apparently idle philanderer and the despair of his father. Goring knows the lady of old, and, for him, takes the whole thing pretty seriously. 哈利波特系列 (Harry Potter, 1997-2007) 《娛樂fantacy片,除了魔法跟掃帚,要真的學到實用的英式英文,這系列英語資源很有限》 The Harry Potter series of seven fantasy novels was written by British author J. K. Rowling about an adolescent boy named Harry Potter and his best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. 猜火車 (Trainspotting, 1996) 《可怕的蘇格蘭口音,進階者使用,音樂超酷,是我最愛的電影之一。片中毒品使用情況嚴重,道德感強烈者請跳過》 The movie is about a group of heroin addicts in Edinburgh and their passage through life. It stars Ewan McGregor as Mark Renton. Author Irvine Welsh also has a brief appearance as hapless drug dealer Mikey Forrester. 寂寞拍賣師 (The Best Offer, 2013) 《劇情跟電影配樂都相當棒的一部結合了愛情、懸疑、劇情片。非常耐人尋味。我個人可以連續看這部電影兩三遍》 In the world of high-end art auctions and antiques, Virgil Oldman is an elderly and esteemed but eccentric genius art-expert, known and appreciated by the world. Oldman is hired by a solitary young heiress, Claire Ibbetson, to auction off the large collection of art and antiques left to her by her parents. For some reason, Claire always refuses to be seen in person. Robert aids Oldman in restoring and reassembling some odd mechanical parts he finds amongst Claire's belongings, while also giving him advice on how to befriend her and deal with his feelings towards her. Also a friend of Oldman, Billy Whistler helps him to acquire a secret private collection of master paintings... 其他現代片 Austin Powers〈王牌大賤諜〉 Jones's Diary〈BJ單身日記〉 28 Days Later〈28天毀滅〉 28 Weeks Later〈28週毀滅〉 Notting Hill〈新娘百分百〉 Closer〈偷情〉 The Hours〈時時刻刻〉 The Devil Wears Prada〈穿Prada的惡魔〉 Finding Neverland〈尋找新樂園〉 Sliding Doors〈雙面情人〉 Stranger than Fiction〈口白人生〉 Run Fatboy Run〈求愛馬拉松〉 The Boat that Rocked〈海盜電台〉 Slumdog Millionaire〈平民百萬富翁〉 Hugo〈雨果的冒險-動畫片〉 The Bank Job〈玩命追緝〉 Happy - Go - Lucky〈無憂無慮〉 The Duchess〈公爵夫人〉 Control〈控制〉 The Adjustment Bureau〈命運規畫局〉 The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel〈金戔花大酒店〉 The Grand Budapest Hotel〈布達佩斯大飯店〉 The Best Offer〈寂寞拍賣師〉 古典系列 古典片子多為文學名著改編,對話中多有古典用法(例如「女王/國王敝下」your Highness/your Majesty/My Load/My Lady 這種英文),對於現代日常英文對話較少有實際上的幫助,初學者先不要用這種電影來學英文。但若純粹個人興趣或了解英國文化,我個人還是相當喜歡此類型的電影。 波特小姐:彼德兔的誕生 (Miss Potter, 2006) The story of Beatrix Potter, the author of the beloved and best-selling children’s book, ”The Tale of Peter Rabbit”, and her struggle for love, happiness and success. 伊麗莎白 (Elizabeth,1998) Elizabeth is an Academy Award winning 1998 film loosely based on the early reign of Queen Elizabeth I of England. 孤挺花 (Lady Jane, 1985) Lady Jane is a 1986 British costume drama romance film directed by Trevor Nunn, written by David Edgar, and stars Helena Bonham Carter in the title role. It tells the story of Lady Jane Grey the Nine Days’ Queen, on her reign and romance with husband Guilford Dudley. 傲慢與偏見 (Pride and Prejudice) Firstly published on 28 January 1813, is the most famous of Jane Austen’s novels and one of the first romantic comedies in the history of the novel. Its opening line is one of the most famous in English literature— ”It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” 理性與感性 (Sense and Sensibility) It is a novel by the English novelist Jane Austen, that was first published in 1811. It was the first of Austen’s novels to be published, under the pseudonym ”A Lady”. The novel has been adapted for film and television a number of times, most notably in Ang Lee’s 1995 version. 窈窕野淑女 (Mansfield Park) Mansfield Park is a novel by Jane Austen. It was written between 1812 and 1814 at Chawton Cottage, and published in July 1814 by the Mr. Egerton who had given to the world its two predecessors. 勸服 (Persuasion) Persuasion is Jane Austen’s last completed novel. It was first published posthumously, in 1818. Jane Austen began Persuasion soon after she had finished Emma, and completed it in August, 1816. 簡愛 (Jane Eyre) «我去過了Charlotte Brontë在約克夏的家,想去造訪的同學可先看此片做做功課 It is a classic romance novel by Charlotte Brontë that was published in 1847 by Smith, Elder & Company, London. It is Brontë’s masterpiece and one of the most famous British novels. 其他古典片 Oliver Twist(孤雛淚) Quills(鵝毛筆) Emma(艾瑪姑娘要出嫁) Shakespeare in Love(沙翁情史) The Other Boleyn Girl(美人心機) Antonement(贖罪) Pompeii(龐貝) 最後,除了英國腔的電影,我也很愛英國腔的電視影集,最喜歡的是The IT Crowd。很多人現在都在追 Sherlock Holmes(福爾摩斯)跟 Game of Thrones(權力遊戲)。我自己本身也很迷 Game of Thrones(但恐怕對初學者來說這些劇幫助不大,可能從頭到尾都只學到Your Grace, My Lord, My Lady之類的,但畢竟高級程度的我已經不是為了學英文在看影集了,同學可以為了娛樂看就是了),這些影集真的是拍得太棒太棒了! ***************************** 同學來信提問: 老師 您好 這幾天看了好幾篇您部落格上的文章,對於該如何著手準備雅思,終於有點頭緒了。我明年想到英國留學,必須准備考雅思,因為一年多年我就有想法要去念研究所了,所以平常會看BBC的6 minute english和 words in the news (看見您在網路上推薦的這些教材 覺得自己在聽力訓練上幸好有選對教材,因為我自己也滿喜歡聽這兩個單元 有些內容滿有趣的) 但我的問題是,我很少花時間看英文腔電影或影集(幾乎都在網路上聽BBC或是http://voicetube.tw/ 這個網頁的英文短片) 現在開始想聽您的建議,一星期看一部電影,但是一定要選擇英國腔的電影嗎? 因為我姐滿喜歡看電影 她自己有收藏很多部 但我看了一下幾乎都是美式發音較多,適合做練習嗎? 因為我平常也會持續使用BBC來做英文腔的聽力練習,所以電影的話,聽美式發音,對於雅思考試有幫助嗎?(因為身邊就有很多DVD ,想直接拿來做練習,但如果老師覺得廳美式發音可能對雅思幫助沒很大,那我會盡量找英國腔發音的電影來看,我有看見您網路上的清單,只是剛好我姐的DVD中都沒有,哈哈~) ***************************** 里茲螞蟻回覆: 如果你是要考雅思,那就要用「考生」的心情來準備考試了,跟「純粹只是喜歡英國腔,但沒有要去英國留學」的人不一樣。雅思是「英國劍橋大學」所主持的考試,聽力跟口試大部份都是英腔(如果幸運可以被美加國籍的考官考到,但如果被我認識的一些英籍或澳洲籍考官考到,我真的真的覺得對台灣人來說會非常吃力)。 台灣人對英腔極不熟悉,同一個字英國人講就非常可能完全聽不懂(advertisement, schedule, laboratory等等等等等,雅思全都考過聽拼,教雅思多年,站在台上看同學聽寫,那些字台灣同學都空白。點入聽一下發音就會知道英美腔差異有時可以比台灣腔與京片子差別還大)。就像美國人要來台灣留學,但只學京片子,一大堆台灣人特有的字都聽也沒聽過,也不會寫,這樣考試很吃虧的。 同學說已經有在聽BBC的東西,但我覺得不夠。BBC是新聞,BBC Learning English是英文教材,我個人認為從中只能得到英文的單字、知識與寫作句型,但文化上,甚至是娛樂上的產出不夠多。學習者不可能枯燥的只K那些單字而可以持續有熱情學習。而同學最後如果是要去英國留學,但都不太懂英國人平時說話的方式跟跟幽默感,真的會錯失很多經驗。 Anyway, 要準備雅思考試,就要花點錢租英腔影片來看~這是我的建議囉。 ★ IPA 英式發音課程 - 從英國腔的音標,到消音、弱音,連音,英文的音調、抑揚頓挫,一口氣全部教完。跟著梅姨學一次不只美國人聽得懂,英國、紐西蘭、澳洲等國家都普遍使用的英式發音! ★ 全方位表達課程 - 讓你開口說英文、動筆寫英文之前先有構思的能力,學會如何看懂英文新聞、影集、科學文章,甚至經濟學人! |