Are cakes 'made of' eggs or 'made from' eggs? 這兩個動詞片語真的很容易搞混耶。 BBC Learning English裏有個 Ask About English 的單元,對於這個made of跟made from到底差在哪惱人的問題提出了淺顯易懂的回答(而且還有音檔可以聽呢!): — be made of This shirt is made of cotton. This house is made of bricks. The keyboard I use on my computer is made of plastic. -> 這三個例子的成品看得出原料的樣子-cotton做成襯衫,但它還是cotton;bricks做成了房子,但它還是bricks;以此類推。 — be made from On the other hand, we might say: Paper is made from trees. Wine is made from grapes. OR This cake is made from all natural ingredients. -> 這三個例子的成品已經不是原來的東西了-樹做成紙,它已經不是樹了;葡萄做成酒,它已經不再是葡萄了;以此類推。 So this is the rule: If something keeps its form, we use 'made of'' But if the form is changed during the process of making, then we use 'made from'. -> 所以規則來了,如果某物保留它原來的形式(form),那就是用made of,但如果已經改變了形式,就必須用made from囉! 我會勸同學,只要背葡萄酒的例子 Wine is made from grapes. 就可以記住規則了! 用酒來當例子怎麼那麼好記? Whisky a strong alcoholic drink made from malted grain. Beer is made from malt and flavoured with hops. |