先測驗一下自己,以下哪句話有錯? 1. Will you marry me? 2. I don't want to discuss about this on the phone. 3. Politicians will be debating about the bill later this week. 4. I'm considering moving 5. Don't mention it to her. 6. I'll contact with you tomorrow afternoon. 7. His writings have influenced the lives of millions. 繼續讀就會發現答案。 ★同學來信★
上完昨天的課,我終於體會到如何確實的去區分一個英文單字是當動詞或名詞的用法不同, 剛使用Oxford Dictionary查單字,終於有豁然開朗的感覺。真是感謝老師 :DDDD 老師真的提供很多正確的學習方式及工具,覺得以前自己悶著讀,有錯誤都不會知道, 幸好有來上老師的課。 ************************************************************** Leeds Mayi回覆: 許多同學在查字典的時候只查到某個字其中一個詞性,然後就一直誤用到天荒地老。像lack這個字,有學生發誓他看到字典後面寫說要加of,所以寫在作文裹,卻每每被我刪除of,覺得莫名其妙。lack 在當動詞的時候,是不可以接of的。 記得,除了勤查字典外,查字典的方法也很重要。有些字典(像下面這個我推薦的Oxford就是)是分開教名詞跟動詞的! 在頁面上打 lack 時,映入眼簾的是這個頁面,內容是: lack noun 這是名詞這是名詞這是名詞!!講三遍了。 a lack of food/money/skillsThe trip was cancelled through lack of (=because there was not enough) interest.There was no lack of volunteers.She showed a distinct lack of enthusiasm for the idea of becoming a mother. 在這個頁面上,找不到動詞的用法,所以如果同學此時就認為已經知道lack的全部用法而急著關掉頁面,就埋下了一個悲慘的種子。真正要看到動詞用法,必須在頁面的右邊找一下才會看到動詞用法的: lack verb 這是動詞這是動詞這是動詞!!講三遍了。 Some houses still lack basic amenities such as bathrooms.He lacks confidence.She has the determination that her brother lacks. 跟 lack 類似的名詞動詞用法不同的字有一大堆,很多同學看到contact就立馬在後面接with(錯),看到discuss就立馬在後面接about,這通通都不一定是對的,有空的話不妨一個一個都去查動詞用法吧: 1. marry (Will you marry me? 不是marry with me) 2. discuss (I don't want to discuss this on the phone. 不是disscuss about this) 3. debate (Politicians will be debating the bill later this week. 不是debate about the bill) 4. consider (I'm considering moving. 不是considering about moving) 5. mention (Don't mention it. 不是Don't mention about it) 6. contact (I'll contact you. 不是I'll contact with you) 7. influence (His writings have influenced the lives of millions. 這是完成式have+pp。不是have influenced on the lives of millions) 你知道還有哪些字是名詞跟動詞同形的嗎? 當然或許你的字典是把名詞跟動詞直接列在同一個頁面上的,所以你就可以省一個步驟,但我其實還是偏好不同詞性分開,這樣才不會看錯。 而查字典最好的方式就是抄個例句在自己的「單字本」上,加上定期拿出來大聲朗讀,這樣才可以時時提醒自己不要犯錯囉!別嫌囉嗦快加把勁吧! 的: lack verb 這是動詞這是動詞這是動詞!!講三遍了。 Some houses still lack basic amenities such as bathrooms.He lacks confidence.She has the determination that her brother lacks. 跟 lack 類似的名詞動詞用法不同的字有一大堆,很多同學看到contact就立馬在後面接with(錯),看到discuss就立馬在後面接about,這通通都不一定是對的,有空的話不妨一個一個都去查動詞用法吧: 1. marry (Will you marry me? 不是marry with me) 2. discuss (I don't want to discuss this on the phone. 不是disscuss about this) 3. debate (Politicians will be debating the bill later this week. 不是debate about the bill) 4. consider (I'm considering moving. 不是considering about moving) 5. mention (Don't mention it. 不是Don't mention about it) 6. contact (I'll contact you. 不是I'll contact with you) 7. influence (His writings have influenced the lives of millions. 這是完成式have+pp。不是have influenced on the lives of millions) 你知道還有哪些字是名詞跟動詞同形的嗎? 當然或許你的字典是把名詞跟動詞直接列在同一個頁面上的,所以你就可以省一個步驟,但我其實還是偏好不同詞性分開,這樣才不會看錯。 而查字典最好的方式就是抄個例句在自己的「單字本」上,加上定期拿出來大聲朗讀,這樣才可以時時提醒自己不要犯錯囉!別嫌囉嗦快加把勁吧! |