Plane Exhaust Kills More People Than Plane Crashes 飛機廢氣奪走的人命多於空難 Toxic pollutants kill at least ten thousand annunally, study says. 研究指出,有毒污染物至少奪走一萬條人命
這個網站是我今天在改有關Air Travel的文章時,不小心發現的網頁!文章中用了許多跟飛機還有飛機排出的 exhaust (還幫同學查了字典,請點進去看。廢氣:不可數 如:car exhaust --車子廢氣)有關的單字,是非常適合同學在寫作時,想要換掉用了很多遍的字時的一個參考資料。 同學們不妨找找看,plane exhaust在這篇文章中,出現過幾個分身呢? 我在文中加上的翻譯只是「好心」為了幫助同學們了解英文句型的結構,並非「一個字一個字完完全全一字不漏,連年份、文獻名、人名、地名、機構名等」全部都得翻譯。另外,我的中文可能會有錯別字,標點符號也已經盡量很麻煩的全形半形做轉換了。歡迎指正錯字。但若看倌您造訪的目的並非學英文而是要挑毛病,那我也沒辦法了。 原文出處 Source: National Geographic There's a new fear of flying: You're more likely to die fromexposure to toxic pollutants in plane exhaust than in aplane crash, a new study suggests. 飛行有新的隱憂:一項新的研究顯示,比起墬機,你更有可能死於暴露在飛機排放的有毒的污染物下(英文處處是片語: 動詞片語, 名詞片語, 學習者要注意到片語, 英文才會進步!) In recent years, airplane crashes have killed about a thousand people annually, whereas plane emissions [Bingo! 找到第一個替換字了嗎?emission 當成廢氣時是可數的喔!如:carbon dioxide emissions--二氧化碳排放] kill about ten thousand people each year, researchers say. 研究專家們說,這幾年來,空難每年約奪走一千人的性命,但飛機的廢氣卻奪走約一萬條人命。 Earlier studies had assumed that people were harmed only by the emissions from planes while taking off and landing. The new research is the first to give a comprehensive estimate of the number of premature deaths from all airline emissions. 早期研究認為人們只會被飛機起飛跟降落時排出的廢氣侵害。但這是第一個提出全面性估計有多少人因為航空廢氣而短命的研究。 "We found that unregulated emissions from [planes flying] above 3,000 feet [914 meters] were responsible for most of the deaths," said study leader Steven Barrett, an aeronautical engineer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge. "我們發現在3000英呎高空被飛機亂排放出來的廢氣是造成大部份死亡的原因。 Airplane exhaust, like car exhaust, contains a variety of air pollutants, including sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. 飛機廢氣,就像汽車廢氣,含有各種空氣污染物,包含二氧化硫以及氮氧化物。 Many of these particles of pollution are tiny, about a hundred millionths of an inch wide, or smaller than the width of a human hair. 這些污染物的微粒極小,約為一吋的十億分之一,或是小於一根人髮的寛度。 So-called particulate matter that's especially small is the main culprit in human health effects, especially since the particulates can become wedged deep in the lung and possibly enter the bloodstream, scientists say. 科學家說,特小號被稱做「懸浮粒子」的物質是主要影響人類健康的肇因,因為這些微粒會牢牢的卡在肺裏面,並且有可能進入血液中。 Tracking Toxic Plane Pollution (追蹤有毒飛機污染物) Barrett and colleagues used a computer model that brought together records of flight paths, the average amount of fuel burned during flights, and their estimated emissions. Barrett跟同事們用電腦模型去記錄飛行路線,航行中平均燃燒的燃料以及他們估計的廢氣。 The computer model, based on experimental data, has been shown to accurately capture pollution's movement in the atmosphere as well as intercontinental transport of pollution, especially from Asia to North America, Barrett said. 依據實驗資料,電腦模型已經顯示可以正確的捕捉到污染物的運動以及污染物的跨州界傳輸,尤其是從亞洲到北美。 To be continued on the website... (其他更多內容請請原出處網頁) |