Coffee may help prevent depression in women 咖啡可能可以幫助預防女性憂鬱症 A large study has shown that the risk of clinical depression is lower among women who drink coffee. 一項大型研究指出喝咖啡的女性得憂鬱症的風險較低 愛喝咖啡的不會憂鬱!我是個咖啡上癮者 – coffee addict,不來個一杯咖啡,就覺得今天沒辦法開始。看到這樣的新聞真是開心,忍不住就想跟同學們分享一下囉! 我在文中加上的翻譯只是「好心」為了幫助同學們了解英文句型的結構,並非「一個字一個字完完全全一字不露連年份、文獻名、人名、地名、機構名等」全部都得翻譯。另外,我的中文可能會有錯別字,標點符號也已經盡量很麻煩的全形半形做轉換了。歡迎指正錯字。但若看倌您造訪的目的並非學英文而是要挑毛病,那我也沒辦法了。 原文出處 Source: the guardian Drinking several cups of coffee a day may help to prevent depression in women, new research suggests.--> 這句話就是很棒的同學可以模仿的佳句,請看文章後方的示範。 It found that four or more cups of caffeinated coffee slashed the risk of clinical depression by 20% when compared with drinking one or fewer cups per week. 跟一週只喝一杯或較少咖啡的人比起來,一週四杯或以上含咖啡因的咖啡減少了20%臨床憂鬱症的風險。 The research, published today in the Archives of Internal Medicine, questioned 50,739 women who participated in the Nurses' Health Study, a major US investigation exploring (=which explores 關代省略,動詞改以分詞形式出現之常見高級用法) health and lifestyle. 這項研究調查了50,739個參與護士健康研究的女性-這項美國的研究主要是探討健康與生活方式。 The study tracked the health of the women from 1980 to 2004using (=which used關代省略,動詞改以分詞形式出現之常見高級用法) detailed questionnaires to record their coffee consumption. Just over 2,600 of the women developed depression over this time period. Analysis showed that more of these women drank little or no coffee rather than being frequent coffee drinkers. 研究以詳細的問卷記錄這些女性的咖啡飲用量並追蹤她們的健康。只有2,600個女性在這段時間得到憂鬱症。分析指出這些女性很多都不太喝咖啡,並非固定的咖啡飲用者。 It is not clear why coffee might have this beneficial effect, but the authors believe that caffeine in coffee may alter the brain's chemistry. Researchers found no similar association with decaffeinated coffee or other sources of caffeine, including soft drinks and tea. 為什麼咖啡有這種益處並不清楚,但作者們相信咖啡中的咖啡因可能改變腦中的化學作用。專家發現低咖啡因的咖啡或其他咖啡因來源(包含汽水跟茶)並沒有類似的連結。 Caffeine is the world's most widely used stimulant of the central nervous system with approximately 80% consumed in the form of coffee. However, studies analysing (=which analyse關代省略,動詞改以分詞形式出現之常見高級用法) the relationship between coffee or caffeine consumption and depression risk are few and far between. 咖啡因是全世界使用最廣泛的中樞神經刺激物(或興奮劑),約80%是以咖啡的形式被飲用。不過調查咖啡或咖啡因消耗跟憂鬱症風險的關係的研究並不多見。 The authors said further study was necessary: "In this large longitudinal study, we found that depression risk decreases with increasing caffeinated coffee consumption. Further investigations are needed to confirm this finding and to determine whether usual caffeinated coffee consumption can contribute to depression prevention."(里茲螞蟻:這句話是所有科學文章的結尾,要去國外念研究所的同鞋們請務必背好。對了,同鞋是我身為台灣人對學生們親切的稱呼,並不是錯別字,謝謝!)。「在這項縱貫性的研究中,我們發現憂鬱症的風險會隨著增加咖啡因攝取而下降。這項發現需要更進一步研究來證實以及判定到底一般含咖啡因的咖啡能不能預防憂鬱症。」 有同學在我的Facebook(歡迎加入Leeds Mayi)上提出問題,我覺得對大家會有幫助: 老師您好! 我拜讀您的部落格文章,受益良多!目前照您推薦的進度準備雅思,我想請教您,您有提到要多看或記一些不錯的句子,但什麼樣的句子是不錯的句子? 在我眼裡似乎像積木一樣,不同英文單子組合,我知道這問題很廣,但可否請您或其他同學可以指點我一下! May老師的回答: Drinking several cups of coffee a day may help to prevent depression in women. 這種句子就是很好的句型. 你換個主詞換個動詞就可以用在別的主題上面. 譬如Exercising several times a week can help to prevent diabetes and obesity. 或是Learning new skills can help to prevent mental decline. 反正什麼句型你想想如果換一下主詞能不能用在別的地方就是好的句子~~ |