How To Be Happy: Step By Step Guide To Being Happy 如何才能快樂? 這是雅思口說跟寫作都考過的題目。我在網路上找到這篇文章,發現裏面有很多佳句,所以跟大家分享。 在你還沒看下去之前,先把螢幕關掉,拿一張白紙,寫下你的答案。 1. _____________________________ 2. _____________________________ 3. _____________________________ 4. _____________________________ 5. _____________________________ 好了嗎?要公怖了喔! Ta-da!!!! 很抱歉,這不是一篇條例式的文章,它是全方位的講述快樂的本質。所以本來期待可以看到一張清單,上面有個十項如何才能快樂的同學們可能要失望了。等一下你就會發現,中式思考的方式(像上面那種條列式)就是讓人想不出什麼梗來。即便想出梗,在支持點上,也會不知如何延展。 這是一篇比較嚴肅的文章(雖然文中仍然出現很多嚴肅文章應該避免用的主詞you)。 我把介紹段中我認為不錯的佳句用紅色,還把動詞畫底線了。有一些很棒的collocation,我也畫線了。同學可以看看- How To Be Happy: Step By Step Guide To Being Happy Introduction: While people have many and varied goals that they pursue, there is an almost universal underlying goal to virtually all pursuits: the goal to be happy. People who spend a lot of time making money generally do so because they believe that the money itself will make them happy, or will guard them against things that will make them unhappy.If the focus isn’t on the money, but on the jobs that bring the money, those jobs are generally thought to make people happy. People strive for [努力爭取] that perfect relationship, the perfect house, the beautiful body, the approval of others [別人的認同], all in an attempt to [企圖]be happy. Sometimes these things make us happy; other times, we stress over not having reached our goals, or we reach them and find that we’re still not happy. Other times, we focus so intensely onone goal that’s thought to bring happiness that we don’t have time for other things in our life that will make us truly happy. This can all be confusing, and begs the question [不禁讓人試問]: how does one reach the goal of being happy? The following is a step-by-step guide that can help you explore the current state of your life, assess how truly happy you are, and find a direction to work toward that will likely bring more happiness. You’ll also find resources and tips for reaching your happiness goals and setting new ones. These pages are the gateway to a life that truly makes you happy. 本文請大家自己做囉~歡迎在留言處留下您覺得本文,到底提到哪些讓人可以快樂的梗?還有,哪有有很棒的佳句呢?! |