Germany: Nuclear power plants to close by 2022 大家看看德國做了什麼。這是一篇來自2011年的舊報導,沒能擠進台灣新聞介於拉麵店跟牛肉湯介紹與訪問食客間的空檔的短命新聞。 2011年3月11日,福島發生海嘯引發核電安全問題。 2011年5月30日,BBC新聞已經播出,德國聯合政府已宣佈要把核電廠phase out (淘汰)。 Germany: Nuclear power plants to close by 2022Germany's coalition government has announced a reversal of policy that will see all the country's nuclear power plants phased out by 2022. The decision makes Germany the biggest industrial power to announce plans to give up nuclear energy.(這項決定讓德國成為宣佈要放棄核能的最大工業國) Environment Minister Norbert Rottgen made the announcementfollowing late-night talks.(這裏的following指"在...後") Chancellor Angela Merkel set up a panel (專題討論小姐) to review nuclear power following the crisis at Fukushima in Japan. There have been mass anti-nuclear protests across Germany in the wake of March's Fukushima crisis, triggered by an earthquake and tsunami.(在三月份的被地震與海嘯引發的福島危機後,整個德國已經有大型反核示威遊行) 連全世界給人觀感最佳,公安極少發生事故的德國都這麼快速的決定廢核,德國人民都還不用公投,德國政府就做了這個明智的決定,台灣此時還決心建完核四。唉。 |