Travel English 旅遊英語 開開心心出門,但到了國外就像啞巴吃黃蓮,這大概是很多台灣學生會碰到的情況,我還聽過有學生緊張到連"請給我雞肉的"都說成 I want kitchen, please. (廚房) AIRPORTS/AIRPLANES (坐飛機)
HOTELS/ACCOMMODATIONS (旅館/住宿) RESTAURANTS/BARS/EATING OUT (餐廳/酒吧/外食) SHOPPING/BUYING THINGS (血拼) TRANSPORTATION (TRAINS/CARS/ETC.) (交通) SIGHTSEEING (觀光) MEETING AND TALKING TO PEOPLE (跟人聊天) HEALTH/SAFETY (健康/安全) 光 "In the Airport" 就有十種情境。每一個情境點下去之後,就會有各種各樣的練習題。譬如我來介紹一兩個好了: Topic: At the airport 1 (Looking for the check-in desk 在機場尋找check-in櫃台) Choose the correct words/phrases to complete the following conversation at the airport(選擇題): YOU: Hi, where's the check-in ________________ for American Airlines? * counter * control * zone AIRPORT WORKER: That's in terminal 2. This is terminal 1. Topic: At the hotel - General vocabulary 1 在旅館-單字篇1 Write the correct word to complete each of the following sentences. Choose from the following options(填入單字): changed, upfront, available, desk, view, exchange, bring, noisy, free, mini, locked, satisfied, reception. Can you get someone to ____________ our bags to our room? Are the sheets ____________ every day? We didn't take anything from the ____________ -bar. I ____________ my key in my room. Do I leave the key at the ____________ desk? Do I have to pay ____________ ( = in advance) ? 這些題目的下方都有答案可以看。真是一個用心良苦的網站啊!!希望大家多多善用囉!只是,唯一的缺點是,它沒有提供音檔啦,所以同學們又會用看的,又會變成看都會,講都不會,"說"到用時方恨少!所以請大家記得開口大聲練習囉! From: |