這篇文章真是道出了我的心聲啊...跟我前陣子寫的那篇「最常被台灣人念錯的英文字」一樣,點出了我一直不解的問題-為什麼台灣人明明就沒有被英語系國家殖民過,但卻這麼愛講英文,有些公司裏明明兩個台灣人互寫電子郵件,為什麼還是一定要寫英文? 以前我在出版社上班時,同事有很多洋人或華裔的,跟他們當然是講英文,但有個奇怪的台灣女同事(事後都證明她不是正常人就是了),每次都要很高調又很大聲的用英文跟我交談,而且,很多英文,都是中式英文。 不蠻你說,在那樣尷尬的情況下,我不可能會糾正她,第一,那場合非常古怪(通常在廁所的飲水機前面)。第二,我在那公司裏,是她們的同事,不是她們的老師,我沒有權利,也沒有義務糾正別人的英文。所以你說,她們有沒有因為很愛講很愛用英文,而英文變好,老實說,我覺得就跟大部份台灣學生的迷思一樣,以為英文流利=英文好。這個概念本身,不只有危險性,還會貽笑大方。 當然,我了解Practice makes perfect的道理。就是因為英文不好,所以才要練習啊。沒錯,練習是要跟會英文的人上課吧?拿同事來練習,對象好像搞錯了。像這篇「商業英文常見五大錯誤」中提到的情況,都是使用者犯了「自以為是」的錯誤,在不了解某個單字,只是不小心聽過別人講過,就切頭切尾的不斷使用那個字。 最後我想補充,我經常看到學生亂用的字-contact: People can contact with their loved ones via mobile phones. (錯的!) contact可以當名詞,也可以當動詞,如果你要把它當動詞,就不要寫出名詞的用法,反之亦然。無奈好像沒有人知道這個袐密一樣。下面例出幾個常見的用法,請大家快記起來,別再亂用囉。 All sentences are from Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. 名詞:contact (with somebody)| contact (between A and B) the act of communicating with somebody, especially regularly I don't have much contact with my uncle. There is little contact between the two organizations. Have you kept in contact with any of your friends from college (= do you still see them or speak or write to them)? She's lost contact with (= no longer sees or writes to) her son. I finally made contact with (= succeeded in speaking to or meeting) her in Paris. The organization put me in contact with other people in a similar position (= gave me their addresses or telephone numbers). two people avoiding eye contact (= avoiding looking directly at each other) Here's my contact number (= temporary telephone number) while I'm away. I'll give you my contact details (= telephone number, email address, etc.). 動詞:contact somebody to communicate with somebody, for example by telephone or letter I've been trying to contact you all day.(沒有with!) Witnesses to the accident are asked to contact the police.(沒有with!) |