#梅姨英文摘要 #梅式教學系列文 又來囉! 許多學英文學到挫敗又吐血的粉絲自從發現這種用「#讀英文文章來做摘要」的學習方法後,紛紛表示以往單字背了就忘、文法句型寫過就忘以及讀過文章之後想描述卻講得支離破碎等情況已消失。 找到對自己有效率的方法後,你很快就可以得到成就感。得到成就感後,你就會很願意再持續做。 廢話不多說,直接開始吧!
以上每一個步驟都已經都需要花蠻多時間,說真的,連我在面對一個新的主題的時候,想要把一句話好,可能都要講個很多遍才會順。 台上一分鐘,台下10年工,很多學生在課堂上看到我們講英文流利的樣子,都沒有想過練習過程的辛苦。英文好的同學不需要逐句背,可以用自己的方式「換句話說」。但是英文弱的朋友就真的免不了要有背的成分。但是話又說回來,如果目前發音、單字量、文法這三個項目都還沒有到達中級,那麼目前這個任務應該太過困難了,建議同學從比較入門的程度開始,譬如可以買坊間的初級英文雜誌找文章先來練習。 建議大家先去 Google 該文章,自己先閱讀,真的實際操做後再看我做的 #英文文章摘要。真的懶得看的人,就直接背我的摘要吧! Doing only one thing at a time is a surprisingly powerful way to become more productive. Yes, when we try doing multiple things at the same time, the brain is more stimulated, and it releases more dopamine. But study after study has shown that multitasking invariably makes us less productive. Every moment, our brain is flooded with information—sights, sounds, words, thoughts, to-dos, and more. It’s impossible for our brains to focus on two tasks. When we multitask, we do a mediocre job of everything. Multitasking even affects our memory and makes us less able to remember what we work on. On the other hand, single-tasking, working on one thing at a time, lets us make more connections, work more creatively, and find more meaning in the work. This way we don’t have to spread our time, attention, and energy—the three ingredients of productivity—across many things at once. Single-tasking also helps us develop our executive functioning because every time we rein our attention back in, we work out our attention muscle. So, next time you work, set a timer for 20 minutes, and use that time to do just one thing. Afterward, reflect on how much you accomplished. You’ll be amazed. Productivity isn’t about how busy we are, or how fast we work—it’s about how much we accomplish. |