12 Quick Tips for a Longer, Healthier Life 健康生活方式的健康小知識(II) Start the day with tea, drink red wine and get the right amount of sleep 這個網站上有很多維持健康生活方式的小方法(跟學英文網站推薦8不一樣的喔),單字也不難,同學應該可以學到許多描述如何保持健康的方式的實用單字。How to keep fit一直都是雅思考試愛問的問題。請大家不妨找時間讀完這12個點子後,看著天花板想想自己記得幾個。你會發現,成年後的大腦很沒力的!所以要記得多看幾次甚至把關鍵字寫起來吧! Source: Men's Health 1. Tea off in the morning (一日之計在於茶, 片語來自kick off--開始) Hot tea can slash your risk of kidney cancer by 15 percent, according to a review in the International Journal of Cancer. Try pu-erh tea (普洱茶), which is better than green or black tea at preventing DNA damage. 2. Sleep smarter (睡得好) Too much sleep, or not enough of it, can kill you. A British study found that getting more than 9 hours of sack time (睡眠時間) a night, or less than 6, doubles your risk of an early death from any cause. Aim for (盡量) 7 to 8 hours a night. 3. Pop in your lenses post-shower (洗完澡再戴隱形眼鏡) Soaping up (用肥皂) while wearing your contacts (隱形眼鏡) can expose your eyes (讓眼睛暴露在...) to infection-causing (易引起感染的) waterborne microbes (透過水傳染的微生物), say University of Illinois at Chicago researchers. 4. Drink wine, stay lean (喝紅酒, 保持苖條) Polyphenols (多酚), the compounds (化合物) found in red wine, help your body block fat absorption (阻止脂肪的吸收), an Israeli study found. Red-wine marinades work (紅酒醃泡物也同樣有效), too. 5. Lose the lint (丟棄乾衣機裏的棉絮) Taking 2 seconds to empty the lint trap in your clothes dryer (烘乾機) can prevent you from being one of the 315 dryer-fire (乾衣機起火) victims each year in the United States. 6. Check your neck (檢查脖子) An American Journal of Medicine study found that a mildly underactive thyroid (甲狀腺功能減退) can boost your heart-disease risk by 65 percent. A quick blood test can assess your level of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH-促甲狀腺激素賀爾蒙). 7. Lean back (後仰) Parking your torso at a 90-degree angle (身體軀幹呈現90度) strains your spine (帶給脊椎壓力), say Scottish and Canadian researchers. Instead, give your chair the La-Z-Boy treatment (同學可以去google這種叫做La-Z Boy的椅子, 就像老人坐的那種按摩椅) and recline (斜靠) the seat back slightly. The ideal angle is 45 degrees off vertical (理想的角度是45度角). 8. Scent your air safely (選擇安全的芳香劑) Some air fresheners (空氣芳香劑) contain phthalates (磷苯二甲酸酯類), compounds that may disrupt hormone processes (擾亂賀爾蒙), Natural Resources Defense Council testing reveals. Stick with Febreze Air Effects and Renuzit Subtle Effects (這個雜誌的文章都會置入性行銷, 這裏在幫這兩個產品打廣告). 9. Boost your defenses (提高防禦力) An Archives of Internal Medicine review reports that 400 IU of vitamin D a day (一天400單位的維他命D) reduces your risk of an early death by 7 percent. Try Carlson's vitamin D(carlsonlabs.com)-又在廣告了.... 10. Skip the spray (換噴劑) Using household spray cleaners (家用噴灑清潔劑) just once a week increases your risk of an asthma attack (一星期用一次就會增加氣喘發作的風險) by 76 percent, say Spanish researchers. Use wipes instead (改用濕巾擦). 11. Steam your broccoli (綠花椰用蒸的) Italian researchers recently discovered that steaming broccoli increases its concentration of glucosinolates (硫配醣體) (compounds found to fight cancer) by 30 percent. Boiling (用水煮) actually lowers the levels. 12. Stretch it out (伸展) Genes in your body linked to heart disease, diabetes, and obesity can be "turned on" if you sit for hours on end (連續坐好幾個小時, 身體中跟心臟病, 糖尿病還有肥胖的基因就會被啓動), reports a study in Diabetes. Hit the "off" button by taking hourly laps (每小時動一動) during TV, book, and Web sessions (上網). |